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The Collaboration

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)
The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) is a private-public institution for basic theoretical research in various areas of science focusing on interdisciplinary research. It is located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, at its own home at the Frankfurt-Riedberg campus of the Goethe University. It was founded in 2003.
FIAS brings together theorists from the disciplines of biology, chemistry, neuroscience, physics, mathematics and computer science in a common organizational and intellectual framework. It is an ambitious independent scientific institution while at the same time bundling research activities at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main and neighboring research centers.
Xidian University
Xidian University is a public research university in Xi'An, China. Founded in 1931, the University is considered one of the top universities in research and education for engineering in China.
Xidian University is dedicated primarily to electronics, information education and research, with the integration of a wide range of academic subjects covering engineering, science, management, economy, arts and social sciences. Xidian University has been able to build up a formidable reputation in Artificial Intelligence, and has successfully established a School of Artificial Intelligence in 2014.
The Xidian-Fias-International Joint Research Center
The newly founded center promotes world leading international scientific research on scientific issues such as computer science, artificial intelligence, and theoretical life sciences. The structure of the Xidian-FIAS International Joint Research Center fosters international scientific exchange, supports young talents in the fields of theoretical fundamental and technology research, brings together international academic teams and promotes technological innovation and high-tech industry cooperation. The Xidian-FIAS International Joint Research Center operates under the principle of equality, mutual benefit and long-term commitment of the two institutions.
The joint research center will fund joint research projects through stipends for doctoral students and postdocs as well as organize schools and workshops.
In addition short term research visits will be possible and joint long term positions may be established in the future.


First Call for Positions and projects

Our first call for open PhD positions and research projects has started.

Initiation of the Joint Research Center
Signing Ceremony for XFI-JRC

In October 2019 delegations from the FIAS as well as Xidian university visited Berlin for the official signing ceremony of the XF-IJRC.

Open Positions

Open Positions and Projects (I)

In 2020, Xidian University will fund 5 PhD students / postdoctoral fellows in the field of 'AI for Science and Technology' and 3 PhD students / postdoctoral fellows in the field of 'AI for Life-Science' through the XF International Joint Research Center.

Open Positions and Projects (II)

In 2020, FIAS will fund several PhD students and postdoctoral positions in the field of 'AI for Science and Technology' and the field of 'AI for Life-Science' through the XF International Joint Research Center.

Schools and Conferences

FIAS hosts first joint summer school with Xidian
Summer School 2018

In the Summer of 2018 FIAS and XIDIAN university organized a 'Summer School on AI and Industry 4.0 in Germany'.

Joint Management Commitee

Prof. Dr. Horst Stöcker
Fellow at FIAS and CTO of the JRC
Dr. Kai Zhou
Fellow at FIAS and CEO of the JRC
Dr. Jan Steinheimer
President of Xidian University
President Zhang Xinliang
Vice President of Xidian University
Prof. Zhang Jincheng
Director of Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Blockchain and Security Computing
Prof. Shen Bazhong
Vice Dean of AAIR
Prof. Xing Mengdao

Researchers at XFI-JRC

Dr. Lingxiao Wang
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Manjunath Omana Kuttan
Phd Student
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Shriya Soma
Phd Student
Xia Xu
PhD Student
Yu Zhengyang
PhD Student
Li Chen
Phd Student
Han Shuai
Phd Student
Xiang Mingjun
Phd Student

Alumni of the XFI-JRC

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Dr. Kirill Taradiy
Sha Yu
Phd Student


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